Z ZZZ Final unten limkso

International Symposium on
Drylands Ecology and Human Security


© 2006 NDRD        Imprint        Disclaimer

Day 2
Dec. 5, 2006


Special Keynote

Plenary Lectures

Parallel Sessions







Special Keynote

Plenary Lectures


Posters / Roundtable 2

 Sunset Surprise :- )

Day 3
Dec. 6, 2006


Special Keynote

Plenary Lectures

Parallel Sessions







Special Keynote

Plenary Lectures

ISDEHS Org Committee Meeting

Posters / NDRD GA

     Dubai Creek Dinner Cruise

Day 1
Dec. 4, 2006


Special Keynote*

Plenary Lectures*

Parallel Sessions







Special Keynote

Plenary Lectures

Parallel Sessions





Posters / Roundtable 1

     Arabian Welcome Reception

Day 4 Dec. 7, 2006

Symposium Field Trip (1 day)

Tentative Symposium Schedule
Download the the Extended Version
of our Tentative Technical Program Nov. 27, 2006


* Our final schedule will of course consider prayer times

Dear colleagues,

Many of you have been asking about our schedule. However many of you also tried to argue with us about why there will be no on site registration – now you can witness the reason why. How do you expect us to make a schedule, if we do not yet and will not before November 20 (when we close our registration) know exactly who is participating and who is not. Consequently this tentative schedule to be downloaded is all we can like many other events provide to you at the moment. We will try to make improvements and changes as soon as that will be appropriate!  Download your PDF version of our “Tentative Schedule” here 
All those that have already paid their registration fees have been put into the abstract book, into the schedule and have a badge and a lanyard ready for them.

In addition, if you are familiar with the region, you will know that it seems to be impossible to get a commitment out of a GCC national to attend and give a speech four weeks in advance – if you should know the secret on how to do this, we are eager to hear your advice :- )))  – all we get is a friendly "maybe". We are working on it and as soon as we succeed, you will get a better, more detailed schedule!

On the other hand we could do the same as other events like to do and publish a great list of people that we invited to attend as keynote speakers only to tell you later that they suddenly realized that they were otherwise engaged. We do not wish to do that – it is unethical!  Please be a little patient, if you are presenting a paper you know your session!


For further information about ISDEHS 2006, please contact
us at:   


Please contact us! :-)