International Symposium on
Drylands Ecology and Human Security

إصلاح الموجود خير من انتظار المÙقود
Fixing the known is better than
waiting for the unknown”


    ISDEHS Roundtables    partner

    Our roundtables aim at exploring and discussing critical topics confronting contemporary societies in drylands, arid, and semi-arid regions and bring together key stakeholders and experts from relevant fields to reach constructive solutions. They are to provide a key forum for building on existing knowledge related to the issue of human security within the context of the ongoing desertification debate and bringing a diversity of perspectives together in informed dialogue, research and action. By developing new thinking, options, recommendations and initiatives, the forum should seek to find viable and long term constructive solutions on significant policy issues threatening the quality of life in the GCC, the Arab world as well as Iran and Pakistan.

    The following Roundtables will be organized during ISDEHS 2006:

    Roundtable 1
    December 4, 2006   17:45  

    Water and the Future of the Gulf Region:
    What is NOW and what TOMORROW may mean

    Can the current trends in land and water use resources guarantee a
    long term sustainable society in the Gulf Region?

    Organized and moderated by:
    Dr. Zamir Libohova, Natural Resources Conservation Service
    United States Department of Agriculture, United States


    Roundtable 2
    December 5, 2006   15:15

    Combating Desertification in the GCC Countries:
    Grazing and how to deal with it in a modern world

    Sustainable grazing management strategies in the GCC countries –
    how can we achieve it in a non participatory political environment?

    Organized and moderated by:
    Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Barth, Professor for Physical Geography
    University of Heidelberg, Germany


    GM UNCCD klRoundtable 3
    December 6, 2006   17:45  

    International Conventions and Resource Mobilization
    for Land Degradation Control (work in progress)

    Sustainable Arid Land Management (SALAM):
    A Partnership Programme for the Gulf and Neighbouring Arab States

    Organized and moderated by:











Call for Papers     

“ISDEHS roundtables are solution-oriented and take current research a step further—developing comprehensive insights and recommendations based on various influential viewpoints.”

ISDEHS Roundtables
are not open to the public and are  by special invitation only!


  We are proud to present the titles of our  first 300 abstract submissions!
More info ...    

For further information about  ISDEHS 2006, please contact us at:



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Our Vision


Role of Local Bodies in Implementing the United Nations
Convention to Combat Desertification

Organized and moderated by
Dr. Farooq Ahmad, Department of Geography,
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Canceled: We regret that Dr. Ahmad cannot make it to Dubai, due to another conference.