International Symposium on
Drylands Ecology and Human Security
Plenary Lectures ISDEHS will feature several plenary lectures Sustainable Agricultural Management of Drylands Islam, Education and Environmental Ethics: The value of water- Dryland Degradation in Saudi Arabia – Operationalizing Sustainabilty in Arid Regions through Adaptive Planning Conserving Biological and Cultural Diversity in Drylands - Drought Management: Strategies and Policy Implications (Tentative Title) The Challenge of Water Scarcity for Agriculture in the Dry Areas Influence of Human Activity on Dune Fields Development in Southern Morocco Detection of Hydrologic Changes An Integrated Approach to the Efficient Management of Scarce Freshwater Resources in Northwest and West Africa: Human Vulnerability in Drylands - A Direct and Indirect Impact of Tourism Industry on Drylands: Application of NOAA-AVHRR NDVI and Rainfall Time-Series to Assess Water Resources of Georgia and Modeling of Water Pollution in Dry Regions of Georgia (Tentative Title) Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Integrated Crop Production Technologies for Dryland Agriculture
For all those that did not make it into the Plenary Lecture: Please accept our apologies – however there will be a future ISDEHS
ISDEHS 2006 will feature 6
_________________________ The GM has recently developed its "Consolidated Strategy and Enhanced Approach (CSEA)" that outlines the GM vision to support countries in mobilizing resources for the implementation of the UNCCD. The CSEA was presented in Nairobi in October 2005 and was endorsed by COP7 of the UNCCD. This keynote lecture will focus on the introduction of the GM’s approach to resource mobilization in response to the changing resource allocation environment, particularly at the national level. _________________________ Reserved for Reserved for UNESCO Use of Earth Observation _________________________ "Water poverty is at the core of poor health, unsustainable agriculture, rampant illiteracy and economic stagnation. Safe and sufficient water and sanitation are now recognized as basic human rights." _________________________ For further information please contact us at:
Due to scarce funding for this first event of our upcoming symposium series, we were relying on plenary lecturers, keynote speakers and session convenors that would make a voluntary effort and thus take our ideology based on the idea of establishing dialogue between our different cultures to solve environmental problems and development issues seriously.
In other words – we were looking for those that are like us “ready to make a difference!” and we found them from everywhere around the globe.
The NDRD team would like to point out once again this pro bono effort and express our highest appreciation to all those numerous volunteers :- )
In return we will offer Arab hospitality, a friendly atmosphere as a platform for in depth exchange of concepts, scientific excellence with proceedings in English and Arabic and will make sure that this will be a most memorable event for everyone!
We look forward to seeing you in Dubai!
Our event will be supported by the
City of Bonn - Germany’s United Nations City”
The Mayor of Bonn, Bärbel Dieckmann, also serves as the patroness of the German actions in recognition of the United Nations International Year of Drought and Desertification (IYDD)
Gold Sponsor
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
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